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Сlub traditions.

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Following the traditions of the club is a nessesary condition to take part in club gatherings.

Сlub traditions
Preparation, participation and one-on-one meetings during club gatherings.

What is this portal.

Members of the G.I.L.C. club are men and women who have an active status of a G.I.L.C. member.

Leaders of the club are men and women making decisions about the activity of the G.I.L.C.

Participant is a visitor of the Global Investment Leaders Club gatherings.

Speech-maker is a visitor of the Global Investment Leaders Club gatherings who gives a speech during a panel, round table or other type of discussion.

Investment community members – project owners, guests and investors who have accounts and are authorized on the portal.

Sponsor is a client who has purchased any type of paid product on  and who has an account and is authorized on the investment portal.

Organizers are a group of people who have necessary rights and liberties, who organize events and gatherings of the Global Investment Leaders Club. is an investment portal of the international investment community called G.I.L.C. (Global Investment Leaders Club).

GILC shopTo instantly find and connect with prospective investors and strategic partners globally. They can introduce their company directly to investors and showcase the uniqueness and benefits of their project; quickly raise capital by attracting interest from investors to a project; gain attention they deserve, meet investors face-to-face and grow their business.

Building fruitful relationships between company heads requires respect and care. The long-standing traditions of the club create unique conditions to establish friendly and trustworthy bonds between investment leaders, even if they have not been acquainted before. We personally introduce investors to each other and provide a comfortable place for private meetings between them.

Single-family OfficesThe Club’s thorough standards and mature approach enable SFOs with all the right instruments for establishing strong bonds and partnerships with like-minded families and serious businessmen. Through socializing with each other at the exclusive events designed for SFOs can easily tap into each other’s many skills and resources and form powerful ties that are beneficial to long-term business success. Receive a monthly delivery of exclusive articles, industry-specific insights, and viewpoints from global investors—all tailored to help them make informed investment decisions.

For start-ups looking for their first millionOur investors community perfectly suits those who are:
Concerned with uncertainties the future holds;
Looking for a working solution to secure future for their families and next generations;
Looking to expand their network of international investors and build long term relationships with them; Raising capital or expanding their business globally;
Looking to find off-market co-investment opportunities.

Showcase a Deck to InvestorsWe believe that establishing business relationships should be as easy as finding a car with Uber. Before, this process used to be highly inconvenient. We have transformed the way of establishing business connections into an easy, controllable and efficient process. Full information on the profiles of the investors and entrepreneurs allows you to accurately find the right decision-makers to connect with. It takes just one click to establish contact with them. And with the help of your personal club assistant, you can have all the meetings you need in the most comfortable way.

Participation in the events.

  • You have a complimentary participation. In a condition that your CRL (Club Reputation Level) is enough to participate in this event;
  • You have received a personal invitation from the club leaders;
  • You are a member of the G.I.L.C. (Global Investment Leaders Club);
  • You have received a meeting request from a confirmed attendee of the event and you have an active subscription to the portal;
  • Your meeting request was approved by a confirmed participant of the event and you have an active subscription to the portal
  • Your participation request to the event was approved for other reasons.

How to send a participation request to an event?In order to send a participation request to an upcoming event, you need to register on the portal, select an interesting event and send a participation request. For this simply press the button ‘Apply’ and choose a relevant participation goal.

I sent a participation request. Does it mean that my participation is confirmed?No, it doesn’t. For it to be confirmed and to take part in the event your participation request has to be approved by the organizers. After you’ve sent your participation request and before it is confirmed, its status will be ‘Pending’. It means that your request is being reviewed but has not been confirmed yet. When your participation request has been approved, the status of your request will change to ‘Registered’.

Where can I see the status of my participation request?All participation requests can be found in the section ‘My Events’.  The status of each request can be found on the nameplate of the respective event.

After your participation request is confirmed your club assistant will reach out to you. They will provide all necessary information about the event and preparation for it, as well as send you a link to join the event on-line via Zoom.

Club Reputation LevelYour participation may not be approved in the following cases:

  • Your Club Reputation Level is not enough to participate in this event;
  • The event which you have sent participation to is only open for active club members;
  •  There are no more available spots for new participants;
  • The event  which you have sent participation request to presumes paid participation whilst you haven’t paid for your intended participation;
  • There are other reasons why organizers couldn’t approve your participation request.

you can purchase a guest ticket and guarantee your participation in the event. – You can send a request to the club and ask to provide you with special conditions, those which definitely allow your participation in this event.

– If the event is not a closed-door one, you can purchase a guest ticket and guarantee your participation in the event.

Can I take part in the event for free if I have received a meeting request from another user?

It is so if you have received a meeting request from a confirmed attendee and you have an active subscription or have purchased any paid service on the portal. In this case you can participate in the event for free. You can see the confirmed participants in the section Event Participants.

You can see the confirmed participants in the section Event Participants.

  • It is so if you have sent a meeting request and your request was accepted by a community member and you see them in the list of confirmed participants of this event, and you have an active subscription on the portal. Or if you have purchased paid services.
  • If you have sent a meeting request but it was not accepted by community members, you can take part in this event on general conditions.

Paid participation.

you can purchase a guest ticket and guarantee your participation in the event.– Your CRL (Club Reputation Level) is enough to participate in this event.

– The event is open-door, meaning it is not organized only for club members.

– You have paid for your participation in the еvent.

– You have sent a participation request to the event.

Closed-door eventsClosed-door events that are not available for participation with a guest ticket are:

– Co-investment atrium;

– Parlor.



Actively Catch Investors’ AttentionOpen-door events that you can attend with a purchase of a guest ticket:

– Investment Leaders Summit

– Private Investment Forum Worldwide

– GILC Crunch

You are buying a ticket to the first upcoming open-door event to which you have sent a participation request.

You can see the confirmed participants in the section Event Participants.

If you have purchased a ticket and sent a participation request to the event, you can change an event you’d like to attend only before the appearance of your profile name on the list of confirmed attendees of the event.

After your participation in the event has been approved and the name of your profile has been listed on the participants section of that event, you can’t cancel your participation and transfer it to another event. In case of non-attendance, the ticket you bought cannot be returned or transferred to another event.

All paid services for the founders are available on the page

For investors available paid services are those on page and membership in the club.

One-to-one meetings.

‘Send Meeting Request’.After the registration of your account you can send meeting requests to any community member.

To send a meeting request you need to choose a relevant user’s profile and press the button ‘Send Meeting Request’.



My RequestsAll sent meeting requests can be found in the section “My Requests”.

Sending a meeting request presumes a request for a one-to-one meeting at one of the upcoming club gatherings announced in the “Events” section.

To send a meeting request you need to select an event where you would like to have a one-to-one meeting with a chosen participant and send a participation request to this event.

If your participation in the event has been approved and you see your profile name on the list of participants of the event, you can send meeting requests to all other interesting participants of this event.


For the one-to-one meetings to happen, several conditions shall be met:

  • Confirmed attendance to the event from both participants;
  • Mutual agreement of both participants to have this meeting.
  • If your request was not approved by the other participant of a requested meeting and the time of the event has passed, to request a meeting with them at another event you need to send your meeting request again.
  • Status of a meeting request can be checked in the section ‘My Requests’.

Incoming meeting requests.If any community members are interested in meeting you one-to-one they can send you a meeting request.

If someone has sent you a request for a meeting, you can see it in the section ‘My Requests’.

All meeting requests mean a request for having a one-to-one meeting at one of upcoming club gatherings with a chosen participant.

Each incoming meeting request contains information about the event during which you are being to have this on-line one-to-one meeting.

For a meeting to happen it is required for you to:

  1. Accept the incoming meeting request.
  2. Send a participation request to take part in this event.
  3. Get approval from the leaders of the club to take part in this event.
  4. Join the on-line event according to the event’s schedule.
  5. One-to-one meetings schedule.

If the one-to-one meeting was approved by the club leaders during a club event, such meeting will show on your meetings schedule. You can see your meeting schedule in the section ‘My Requests’ and in the meetings schedule on the Event page.

Each meeting included in your schedule will have a preliminary start and end time.

The meeting time shows in GST (Dubai time).

If you have sent a participation request to the event and got approval to participate, you see your profile among participants on the event and you have received link to join the event, but you don’t have any pre-set meetings – don’t worry, Your meetings will show closer to the time of the event or during the event itself.

One of the reasons for the absence of pre-set meetings is the lack of sent meeting requests to other participants of the event. The absence of outgoing meeting requests complicates planning of your meetings in the most accurate and relevant manner according to your interests.

The meetings are being planned based on 2 parameters: mutual interest based on meeting requests and investment interests stated in each user’s profile. If there are no outgoing or incoming meeting requests, then the personal club assistant assigned to the participant is planning their meetings based on mutual investment interests stated on the profiles of participants.

 If you have registered to participate in the event as an investor then the main priority while planning your meetings will be with fundraisers and investment project owners.

If you have registered to participate in the event as an investor you can meet with any community members of your interest, including investors, on the condition that you have a membership in the Club. However, if you are just a participant of the event but you are not a member of the club, you can meet other investors if they send you a meeting request or approve yours.

If you have registered as a fundraiser your meetings will be scheduled with investors.

If you have a planned and approved meeting that is shown on your meeting schedule before the event, it may not take place due to the following reasons:

  • You have joined the event 15 minutes later than the event started;
  • You haven’t confirmed your participation in the event;
  • Your meeting partner for any reason couldn’t take part in the event;
  • You unexpectedly disconnected from the event for a long period of time;
  • You have violated the rules of participation in the event.

If your meeting partner didn’t come to the event, your personal club assistant will select and plan a meeting with another participant of the event.

CRL is a symbol of the reputation level of participants in the global investment industry within the Global Investment Leaders Club community. The CRL is solely based on reputation, recommendations and interaction experience between community participants.

The highest CRL level reflects the consolidated subjective opinion of the community members on the impeccability of business and personal qualities of the participants.

Since the CRL is based on the facts of practical interaction between the participants, the absence of a CRL or its low level may mean insufficient or complete lack of practical positive experience of interaction with other members of the community.

CRL is a symbol of the reputation level of participants in the global investment industry within the Global Investment Leaders Club community. The CRL is solely based on reputation, recommendations and interaction experience between community participants. The highest CRL level reflects the consolidated subjective opinion of the community members on the impeccability of business and personal qualities of the participants.

Since the CRL is based on the facts of practical interaction between the participants, the absence of a CRL or its low level may mean insufficient or complete lack of practical positive experience of interaction with other members of the community.

Main factors influencing the CRL are built into the Manifesto of mission and vision of the Global Investment Leaders Club:

  • Being open to making contact with other club members;
  • Supporting other club members by all available means;
  • Actively facilitating the spread of the club’s ideas and encouraging the participation of reputable decision-makers of the global investment industry;
  • Encouraging healthy discussion at all times by eliminating direct criticism, including conflict or polemics with other club members;
  • Keeping the results of private meetings or discussions confidential.

Regardless of the fact that the CRL is based upon subjective recommendations and opinions of club members, nonetheless the CRL is highly relevant from the standpoint of criteria set out in the mission of the club. CRL cannot change as a result of one man’s opinion, as it is an average one based on all activity in the club with all club members. It cannot be bought or changed per request.

However, not in all investment communities there are such high requirements to the mutual support of participants. This is why for each club member to grow their CRL in a fast and effective manner, we have designed several simple recommendations that will help you to be very well taken and highly valued within the international investors’ community:

  • Take part in as many club events as you can;
  • Don’t cancel your participation at the last moment’ in the meetings, presentations and group discussions;
  • Participate in community activities;
  • Recommend investors with good reputation to the club;
  • Accept invitations and conduct one-to-one meetings not only with those who are of high interest to you, but also those who are interested in meeting with you. Maintain a balance of such meetings in 50%/50% proportion;
  • Support other members of the community (with advice, network and etc.);
  • Be responsive to the follow-up after the meetings in a timely manner;
  • Bear joint expenses with other members and maintain the community infrastructure. For this, special Platinum and VIP membership cards were designed, yearly purchase of which is a source covering the expenses for the support of the club’s infrastructure.

Following these simple recommendations will definitely be appreciated by other community members and your CRL will be high.

However, the most important thing is to be a good man or a good woman and support other members of the community.

 If you are interested in the possibility of establishing contact with any member of the communityIf you are interested in the possibility of establishing contact with any member of the community, nonetheless you are not sure that you are ready for a one-to-one meeting, you can express your interest by pressing the button  ‘Interested’ on the profile of another community member.



A community member, on whose profile you have pressed the button ‘Interested’ will see your interest in their ‘Incoming Requests’ section. They will be able to study your profile and your investment projects if you have any.

‘Interested’ button is not obliging parts to open a dialogue but demonstrates an interest and is a wonderful preparation for the future dialogue.

The interest of other community members to establish contact with you or to your project can be seen in the section ‘My Requests’.

Sent or received ‘interest’ is not a meeting request or an invitation to establish a contact. Regardless of whether the interests were sent, if you’d like to organize a meeting with another community member, you have to send them a meeting request.

By default, visitors of the portal don’t see nor the pictureBy default, visitors of the portal don’t see nor the picture, neither the name of profile or project owner.

By default, open information about the profile of the community member is the logo of their company, description and job title.




 Registered and Authorised users of the portal can see pictures and namesRegistered and Authorised users of the portal can see pictures and names of other participants in case if:

  • Visitors of the portal participated in the same event;
  • Visitors to the portal have conducted a one-to-one meeting with another community member within the framework of club events.

Testimonials and recommendations.

Participants of club gatherings, club members, investment project owners and investors regularly express their opinion about the Global Investment Leaders Club. All testimonials and recommendations are being published on the portal in the ‘Media’ section, subsection ‘Testimonials’. Participants of club gatherings, club members, investment project owners and investors regularly express their opinion about the Global Investment Leaders Club.


All testimonials and recommendations are being published on the portal in the ‘Media’ section, subsection ‘Testimonials’.

  • The club does not provide any contact information of participants or those who made a presentation at the club for you can contact them and find out their opinion.
  • Contacting those who received funding after a presentation at the club events in order to receive their feedback is irrelevant, tactless and violates confidentiality. More than a thousand active investors are part of the club’s investors community. In addition, it is very rare for the same investor to invest in all projects. Therefore, such information cannot be neither relevant nor accurate to estimate the fundraising efficiency.
  • An important recommendation is that in order to increase your chances of receiving funding for your project from investors, you need to study not the profiles and reviews of other fundraisers, who received funds, but the profiles, portfolios, strategies and lists of investors who will take part in the event you plan on attending.
  • Over 70% of good projects presented in the club have found needed investments within a year after the first presentation.
  • Considering that any project presented in the club is GUARANTEED to be heard by investors and the project owner will be able to hold one-on-one meetings with interested investors, the most effective way is to study investors’ profiles and prepare for meetings with decision makers of investment companies.

To maximise the efficiency of getting the funding after your presentation, simple recommendations were designed:

  1. Attentively study the profiles of all investors who are confirmed to take part in the event in advance;
  2. Send out participation requests and conduct your pitch at the most relevant event for your project: you can choose by sector or the quorum of investors;
  3. Thoroughly follow the recommendations while preparing your presentation file;
  4. Don’t try to get in touch with investors ahead of time of the planned event. It is tactless and you are risking to spoil your business reputation and get ‘black-listed’.


Showcase a Deck to Investors– If your project is genius, original and innovative, and you’re 100% confident in it – there’s no need to convince investors in it. They know when they see it – just show it to investors and meet them face-to-face! This package is ideally designed for startups and is affordable at any stage with any fundraising budget. It gives you maximum exposure among a community of a thousand investors. Showcase a deck on the to thousand investors and get an invite from investors to meet them one-to-one.

– ‘Showcase a Deck to Investors’ package is a paid $70 a month subscription.

– ‘Showcase a Deck to Investors’ allows you to publish your deck with relevant information about your investment project with an aim of raising capital.

– You can publish the name of your project, description, investment conditions, presentation, white-paper, pictures and videos about it.

– After adding all needed information the project can be published by its author. In this case it will become available to both authorised and not authorised visitors of the portal.

– For the project to become visible to the visitors of the portal, the  subscription ‘Showcase a Deck to Investors’ needs to be purchased. After the payment the project will be enabled within 48 (forty eight) hours or sooner.

  • Authorised visitors of the portal, investment community members, will be able to study your project.
  • Investors that are interested in your project and those who need more information will be able to inform you about it with their ‘Interest’.
  • Investors who are interested in meeting you will send you a meeting request and will invite you to take part in an upcoming gathering.
  • If an investment project owner published his project in the ‘Investment projects’ section and has received a meeting request from a prospective investor, a club member, to conduct one-to-one meeting during an upcoming club event, the investment project owner receives a complimentary invitation to the event and an opportunity to conduct a private meeting with this investor.
  • If an investment project owner published his project in the ‘Investment projects’ section and has received a meeting request from a prospective investor, club member, to conduct one-to-one meeting during an upcoming club event, but he does not have an active subscription to ‘Showcase a Deck to Investors’ or between the date of receipt of the meeting request and the date of the event there was an interruption in the subscription, then a complimentary invitation to the event shall not be granted. In this case, to conduct a meeting with an interested investor at the event, you need to purchase a Guest Ticket separately to take part in the event.
  • An authorised community member can join an open-door purchasing a $150 Guest Ticket.
  • Guest Ticket offers an opportunity to participate in 1 (one) event as a guest from the beginning of the event until the time of start of one-to-one meetings.
  • Guest Ticket gives an opportunity to participate in 1 (one) open-door event.
  • To receive an on-line link to join the event as a guest, you need to register for the event and purchase a Guest Ticket.
  • If a participant has purchased 1 Guest Ticket but has sent multiple participation requests to various events, it’s needed to inform the club assistant at which event the Guest Ticket will be used.
  • By default, purchased Guest Ticket is considered to be used for the first upcoming event to which the participant has sent their participation request to.

IMPORTANT: Please note that you need to mention the same email address when you conclude your purchase as is stated on your account’s profile.

Participant Ticket.– You’re looking for money and support for your start-up? All successful projects have strong mentors behind them.

– You can select 3 most interesting participants out of 25+ investors and meet with them.

At the open-door club gathering:
 • Personal support of a dedicated club assistant during the open-door club gathering
 • Guaranteed follow-up meetings with interested investors at the event
 • Contact exchange and sending of your deck to all interested investors

– An authorised community member can join an open-door club event on a guaranteed basis by purchasing the $1000 Participant Ticket.

– Participant Ticket offers an opportunity to participate in the event as a guest from the beginning of the event and conduct one-to-one meetings with investors at the event.

– Participant Ticket gives an opportunity to participate in 1 (one) open-door event.

– To receive an on-line link to join the event as a guest, you need to register for the event and purchase a Participant Ticket. IMPORTANT: Please note that you need to mention the same email address when you conclude your purchase as is stated on your account’s profile.

– If a participant has purchased 1 ticket but has sent multiple participation requests to various events, it’s needed to inform the club assistant at which event the Participant Ticket will be used.

– By default, a purchased Participant Ticket is considered to be used for the first upcoming event to which the participant has sent their participation request to.

– Organization of one-to-one meetings is done based on the meeting requests, positive acceptances of meeting requests and interests of attendees.

Actively Catch Investors’ AttentionEvery month active international investors gather at the global investment leaders club to discover interesting projects to invest in. Best projects as diamonds need the best frame to shine the brightest. Tell about your project to active investors face-to-face in a warm closed-door ambience. Have follow-up one-to-one meetings on the spot and get your investment!

At an open club investment gathering.:
 – 5-minute presentation at an open club investment gathering. to 25+ investors
 – Personal support of a dedicated club assistant during the preparation to the forum and the event itself
 – 3 guaranteed follow-up meetings with interested investors at the event
 – Contact exchange and sending of your deck to all interested investors

During 3 months*
 – Showcase a deck on the to thousand investors for 3 months
 – Get an invite from investors to meet them one-to-one.

  • To present your project to the participants of the event it needs to be added, published and approved on the portal.
  • Presentation can be conducted at 1 (one) event.
  • Event during which the presentation will be conducted has to be coordinated with the leaders of the club.
  • The presentation can be done only during the open-door events.
  • Presenting your project at an open club investment gathering gives an opportunity to pitch your project within 5 minutes using the ‘Share Screen’ option allowing you to demonstrate your presentation slides.
  • Presenting your project at an open club investment gathering gives you the right to conduct 3 guaranteed meetings  at the event with those investors who expressed their interest.
  • Club doesn’t take responsibility to conduct a follow-up with investors after the event.
  • Club doesn’t allow presenting projects related to weapons, violence, human trafficking, propaganda of unnatural values, discrimination and aggression.
  • When you purchase a presentation service, you also get an opportunity to have your investment project published on the portal for 3 (three) months.
  • Project published on the portal as part of the Presentation package gives all benefits of ‘Showcase a Deck to Investors’ service during 3 (three) months.

3 hours private session with a dozen investorsDo you have a company that requires an individual approach and significant funding? Then you need a special ambiance to deliver all the advantages and nuances of your project to a group of serious investors who are interested in it.

A dedicated club assistant will personally send a teaser of your project to prospective investors and provide further assistance with the preparation of the event. A dozen investors who have confirmed their interest in your project and have a capacity to invest in your company are invited.


At the Co-investment Atrium
– All 3 hours are centred around your company:
– 1 round: presentation of your project to all attending investors and Q&A session about your company with investors;
– 2 round: investors express their opinions and interest to invest. They also offer support of your company’s growth with additional resources – connections, clients, technologies and many more;
– 3 round: one-to-one meetings with interested investors on the spot;
 – You get everyone’s contact information for a proper follow-up;
 You get funded!

During 3 months*:
 – Showcase a deck on the to thousand investors for 3 months
 – Get an invite from investors to meet them one-to-one

Co-Investment Atrium

  • Co-investment Atrium is announced prior to the actual event day.
  • Club assistant sends out a teaser about the project to a large group of investors in the relevant industry to identify their interest in your project in advance.
  • Investors who expressed an interest in exploring this investment opportunity further and conduct one-to-one meetings with the project owner are invited to join the event.
  • Investors who expressed an interest in exploring this investment opportunity further however who cannot take part in the event will receive the deck and contact information of a project owner. This list of investors will be provided to the investment project owner.
  • A 3 hours private session with a dozen investors shall be paid in advance and cannot be rescheduled for another day.
  • In case if the project owner cancels their presentation, the Co-investment Atrium is being cancelled, paid funds are not returned and all responsibilities of portal are considered completed in full.
  • Reputation consequences as a result of the cancelation of the event shall be carried by the investment project owner.

Membership at the G.I.L.C. CLUB

G.I.L.C. club

  • Men and women who are investors with good reputation can apply for the membership of the G.I.L.C. club.
  • Membership of the G.I.L.C. club offers an opportunity to participate in an unlimited number of events, conduct one-to-one meetings with all interesting investment community members, influence the direction of the development of the club, receive exclusive information and take part in formation and regular meetings of the investment alliances.
  • Membership of the G.I.L.C. club is paid annually.


  • The list of paid services is available on
  • The list of paid services can be modified.
  • The payment for the service is being done via partners’ payment services.
  • The payment of the services for the amount of over $2500 (two thousand five hundred) can be done via bank transfer.
  • Other payment methods  are available upon agreement with the leader of the club.

Repayment of fees shall not apply, even if:

  • The Sponsor fails to utilise its rights and opportunities granted by the Organizer to the Sponsor,
  • Rejection of Sponsorship;
  • One or more delegates of the Sponsor are absent at the Events;
  • Potential Business Partner in contact with whom the Sponsor is interested is not available for contacting, owing to circumstances beyond the Organizer control.
  • Potential Business Partner in contact with whom the Sponsor is interested has not shown up for a meeting, owing to circumstances beyond the Organizer control.


  • Participant gives the right to use Participant’s  information in the Event announcements, promo materials of the Event and post-event coverage in media with the purpose of realizing the objectives herein. Current rights are applicable for usage on TV, internet, social media, printing materials, boards, radio, direct marketing and etc
  • The Participant does not object to conducting photo shooting and video filming during the event, as well as the use of reportage photo and video materials from the forum venue (in which the participant can be explicitly or implicitly depicted) to publish post event materials about the event in social media, the Internet, periodicals, etc.
  • If Participant’s information about the Company or its management is confidential, it is necessary to notify the GILC in written form.
  • In the absence of information about the Participant, the GILC is entitled to use the information about the Participant published on the official Participant’s page (Company or its management) on LinkedIn.
  • The Participant provides the right to the GILC’s representatives to conduct preliminary negotiations with potential business partners regarding possibilities of further cooperation with the Participant.

Limitation of Liability

  1. The Organizer shall not assume any financial, moral or other liability, whatsoever, to the Sponsor, notwithstanding any course of action, condition, or consequences resulting from interaction with a recommended business partner(s) or any other third party.
  2. The Organizer provides exclusive event services and establishes a connection between the Sponsor and a Potential Business Partner by means of communication or an organisation of a personal meeting, henceforth, is not responsible for the actions of the Sponsor or recommended business partners in relation to each other.
  3. The Organizer is not liable to the Sponsor for understandings, commitments, agreements, contracts, etc. (“Benefits”) developed and/or concluded between the Sponsor and any recommended business partner, nonetheless, such Benefits are resulted from a service provided by the Organizer.
  4. Due and paid fees to the Organizer shall not be subject for repayment and /or deduction as a result of a cancellation, dispute and /or disagreement between the Sponsor and any potential business partner.
  5. Sponsor accepts reputation rules of the Global Investment Leaders Club and agrees to the opportunity of open exchange of important information regarding business reputation among club members.
  6. In case of violation of the Global Investment Leaders Club rules: gross violation of ethical standards of conduct that could offend other members of the club or damage the reputation of the club; an offer of business cooperation that violates the law; scam; fraud; engaging third parties to participate in events or meetings with other members of the club instead of the member – the organisers reserve the right to unilaterally terminate this contract. In this case, the organiser informs the sponsor by email. In this case, the obligations of the organiser to the sponsor are considered fully fulfilled. There is no full or partial refund of the sponsorship payment.

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